The Misplaced Modifiers' 27 Favorite Albums of 2012
Early on, I struggled to care about music released in 2012. Mid-January, I caught wind of an editorial change at the Source Weekly. By February, they were ignoring emails and phone messages. I was still receiving music to review, just without an outlet. It took me until October to decide to use this blog to post my music thoughts.
I also link my general disinterest in 2012 music to the epic demise of Mediafire (a one-stop shop for all things zip and rar). The December '11 take down of Megaupload proved to be the undoing of the only truly trusted file sharing site (Mediafire).
This past November, I reserved a dozen albums from the library. It was not by coincidence all 12 of these recordings were released in 2012. Despite not caring about new music as much as I have in previous years, the year end lists started to poke up and caused a state of panic.The library had 2012 recordings from such standbys as The Sea and Cake, Calexico, Mission Of Burma, Baroness, Sharon Van Etten, and sophomore releases from Tame Impala and Twin Shadow.
I am still waiting for Andy Stott's Luxury Problems, Anais Mitchell's Young Man in America, and Beach House's Bloom. I guess my biggest frustration with year end lists is I never know how many records a specific reviewer or site truly listened to. I listened to around 70 new albums. But my top 27 is clearly a result of not buying much 2012 music, relying on labels to send digital downloads for review, and stocking up at my local library late in November for stand out records. That said, I'm fortunate to have the ability to get new music without much financial involvement.
Before I get to my list, I want to mention albums I haven't listened to. I think it's valuable to see what others haven't, as well as have, listened to.
One record I thoroughly enjoyed, Shearwater's Animal Joy, was given a nod by the respectable Joe Tangari. It placed tenth on his top ten records of 2012. I've yet to find any other reviewer, magazine, or music site applaud Animal Joy as I want to.
Twenty-Seven Praise Worthy Records I Haven't Listened To:
Andy Stott - Luxury Problems
Bat For Lashes - The Haunted Man
Beach House - Bloom
Bill Fay - Life Is People
Cat Power - Sun
Chairlift - Something
Chromatics - Kill For Love
Damien Jurado - Maraqopa
Death Grips - The Money Store
DIIV - Oshin
Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel...
Flying Lotus - Until The Quiet Comes
Frank Ocean - Channel Orange
Goat - World Music
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
Grizzly Bear - Shields
High on Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis
Japandroids - Celebration Rock
Jens Lekman - I Know What Love Isn't
Julia Holter - Ekstasis
Matthew E. White - Big Inner
The Men - Open Your Heart
Pallbearer - Sorrow and Extinction
Spiritualized - Sweet Heart Sweet Light
Swans - The Seer
The Walkmen - Heaven
I've never been interested in Ms. Apple and I lost interest in G. Bear. But that is one thick list. Possibly missing Chris Cohen's Overgrown Path.
Here's what I digested and/or got terrible heartburn from in 2012:
Acid Mothers Temple - Son Of A Bitches Brew
Aki Onda - Cassette Memories Volume 3: South Of The Border
Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Âme
Alex Winston - King Con
Antony & The Johnsons - Cut The World
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Mature Themes
The Babies - Our House On The Hill
Baroness - Yellow & Green
Calexico - Algiers
Cloud Nothings - Attack On Memory (10)
CocoRosie - We Are On Fire/Tearz For Animals
Craft Spells - Gallery
Cut Chemist - Outro (Revisited) EP
Dan Deacon - America
The Daredevil Christopher Wright - The Nature Of Things
Deerhoof - Breakup Song
Denison Witmer - The Ones Who Wait
Dent May - Do Things
Dirty Projectors - Swing Lo Magellan
Duane Pitre - Feel Free (20)
Earlimart - System Preferences
The Fresh & Onlys - Long Slow Dance
Generationals - Lucky Numbers EP
Grimes - Visions
GRMLN - Explore EP
Helado Negro - Island Universe Story One
Icebreaker with BJ Cole - Apollo
James Blackshaw - Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death
Jessica Pratt - Jessica Pratt (30)
Jóhann Jóhannsson - Copenhagen Dreams
Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch - Concerning the Entrance Into Eternity
Kendrick Lamar - good kid, m.A.A.d. city
L A N D - Night Within
Lambchop - Mr. M
Levek - Look A Little Closer
Lorelei - Enterprising Sidewalks
Major Stars - Decibels Of Gratitude
Martin Eden - Dedicate Function
Melody's Echo Chamber - Melody's Echo Chamber (40)
mewithoutYou - Ten Stories
Mission Of Burma - Unsound
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon/Ocean Roar
MV & EE - Space Homestead
Mystery Jets - Radlands
Nude Beach - "II"
ONUINU - Mirror Gazer
Overhang Party - Complete Studio Recordings 1; 2; 4; Last Recording (4 CD's)*
Parenthetical Girls - Good Christian Men Rejoice, It's Parenthetical Girls (50)
PAWS - Cokefloat!
Retribution Gospel Choir - The Revolution EP
Roberts and Lord - COVERS
The Sea And Cake - Runners
Sharon Van Etten - Tramp
Shearwater - Animal Joy
Shintaro Sakamoto - How To Live With A Phantom
The Tallest Man On Earth - There's No Leaving Now
Tame Impala - Lonerism
Teen Daze - All Of Us, Together (60)/Inner Mansions
Twin Shadow - Confess
Ty Segall Band - Slaughterhouse
Vex Ruffin - Same Thing Tomorrow
Vinyl Williams - Lemniscate
The Welcome Wagon - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
WHY ? - Mumps, etc./Sod In The Seed EP
Willis Earl Beal - Acousmatic Sorcery
Woods - Bend Beyond (70)
Wovenhand - The Laughing Stalk
Yann Tiersen - Skyline
*Overhang Party released these four albums separately prior to Important Records reissue. Not a true 2012 album, but damn deserving reissue.
Albums of 2012 Receiving Most Ear Time (not necessarily due to greatness):
1. Shearwater - Animal Joy
2. WHY? - Sod In The Seed EP/Mumps, etc.
3. Wovenhand - The Laughing Stalk
4. L A N D - Night Within
5. Jóhann Jóhannsson - Copenhagen Dreams
6. The Tallest Man On Earth - There's No Leaving Now
7. Retribution Gospel Choir - The Revolution EP
8. PAWS - Cokefloat!
9. Earlimart - System Preferences
10. Aki Onda - Cassette Memories Volume 3: South Of The Border
11. Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Âme
12. Helado Negro - Island Universe Story One
13. Dan Deacon - America
14. Overhang Party - Complete Studio Recordings (4 CD's)*
15. The Welcome Wagon - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
16. Shintaro Sakamoto - How To Live With A Phantom
17. Duane Pitre - Feel Free
18. Mount Eerie - Clear Moon/Ocean Roar
19. James Blackshaw - Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death
20. Lambchop - Mr. M
21. Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch - Concerning the Entrance Into Eternity
22. Cloud Nothings - Attack On Memory
23. Woods - Bend Beyond
24. Denison Witmer - The Ones Who Wait
25. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Mature Themes
26. Mystery Jets - Radlands
27. The Daredevil Christopher Wright - The Nature Of Things
The Misplaced Modifiers' 27 Favorite Albums of 2012:
1. Shearwater - Animal Joy
2. L A N D - Night Within
3. Jóhann Jóhannsson - Copenhagen Dreams
4. Retribution Gospel Choir - The Revolution EP
5. Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Âme
6. Helado Negro - Island Universe Story One
7. Overhang Party - Complete Studio Recordings (4 CD's)*
8. The Welcome Wagon - Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
9. Shintaro Sakamoto - How To Live With A Phantom
10. Duane Pitre - Feel Free
11. Lambchop - Mr. M
12. James Blackshaw - Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death
13. Mount Eerie - Clear Moon
14. Mount Eerie - Ocean Roar
15. Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch - Concerning the Entrance Into Eternity
16. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Mature Themes
17. Wovenhand - The Laughing Stalk
18. Woods - Bend Beyond
19. Mission Of Burma - Unsound
20. Denison Witmer - The Ones Who Wait
21. Mystery Jets - Radlands
22. The Daredevil Christopher Wright - The Nature Of Things
23. Sharon Van Etten - Tramp
24. Willis Earl Beal - Acousmatic Sorcery
25. The Tallest Man On Earth - There's No Leaving Now
26. Grimes - Visions
27. Baroness - Yellow & Green **
** What's up with the lyrical content and vocal deliveries. Am I the only one who finds it highly cornball?
The Misplaced Modifiers' Favorite Songs of 2012:
1. '2B2' - Lambchop
2. 'Cut The World' - Antony & The Johnsons
3. 'Lucky Numbers' - Generationals
4. 'Paz A Ti' - Helado Negro
5. 'Pushing The River' - Shearwater
6. 'Maize' - Wovenhand
7. 'There's No Leaving Now' - The Tallest Man On Earth
8. 'Give Out' - Sharon Van Etten
9. 'The Animal Of Choice' - The Daredevil Christopher Wright
10. 'Animal Life' - Shearwater
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