Jewish Pig Farmers

Jesus and the disciples arrive in the region of the Gerasenes the morning after Jesus shows he can control wind and water. Probably tired and still in awe of their rabbi's power, the disciples, along with Jesus, enter a foggy-filled area, complete with eerie Halloween sounds and unworldly shrieks.

Jesus walks ashore and is instantly looking down at a demon-possessed man. The demons identify themselves as Legion and Jesus allows them to flee into a herd of pigs. Despite being great swimmers, the pigs (demons) drown. Those in charge of the pigs rush to the nearby town to tell what they have seen. Shortly thereafter, people from this Jewish community plead with Jesus to leave.

Why are there pigs in a Jewish community? Is it possible that the decision to raise swine is interconnected with a man becoming demon possessed?

You can't compromise your faith and not expect the devil not to take note. Once you believe you're "little" sin is debatable, you're risking too much.


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