LOW, snowman animation, and what parents don't know.

Lonely performance nights at school.
Was up until 2 this morning working on a scratchy animation.
After it was complete I realized it was 90% me...not my students...who had created this.
What do I say tonight when people ask about the 'students great animation'?
Do I dare tell the truth?

"Um...well, actually Mr. XXXXXXX your son was unable to hold the flip camera without shaking, so I tossed all of his footage. In fact, he didn't even finish his storyboard."

Or.."Well, it was me putting in 12 hours in the past two days. We wouldn't have been able to show their work to a receiving audience...but yeah, the children are talented too."

Such difficulties in education. I should have known better. This was way too much for them. But you finish what you start.

Truth be known...they class is highly creative. The have a sharp eye for perspective and humor. But the technical side of things was too adult. Too busy.

But in the end it's fun to spend time being creative and pushing yourself.

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End of the year music report:

Even with the glory and ease of mediafire...I'm still embarrassed by how much music I'm ignorant to. I was shocked by how many songs made the top 100 on Pitchfork that don't have an album backing them or received any press whatsoever until last week. Plus all the rap looks irritating. And is there a trend beginning to show with bass, house, trance, and DJ mixtapes? That stuff just seems so withdrawn.

There's also just too much electronic music. Too many button pushers and altered voices. True, I find myself gravitating towards more into dense areas of electronica...but some days I can't help but run from it's ubiquitous qualities.

I've been thinking for a month now about my favorite albums/songs of the year. I think I'm gonna need more time. But for the record, LOW deserves a place in someone's top ten. So does Mark McGuire, Tim Hecker, Master Musicians Of Bukkake, Julianna Barwick, Sloan, (listening to Yuck), tUnE-yArDs grew on me last week after nearly hating it the first time. I really enjoyed Eleanor Friedberger's Last Summer. Plus I got it at Ranch in Salem for under $2. I am so cool. You too Eleanor! (she gave me a button years ago...and I spoke to her. It was rad.)

St. Vincent did well, as did M83 for me and lots of others. I still struggle with Iceage. Is it too ruff and heavy? Not sure. Destroyer's Kaputt might be my number one. But as I said early LOW made a solid record in C'mon...and I listened to it daily for a month or more. Not many records do that for me any more.

Nice job Alan, Mimi, and new bass guy.


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